Health & Safety Policy Statement
Appendix 3 (page 3 extract from the joint H&S Manual)
General Principle
The Company acknowledges and accepts its legal responsibility for securing the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, sub-contractors working on its behalf and all others affected by their activities under the Health and Safety at Work Act, and as such the Company will provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions so far as reasonably practicable.
As a contractor under the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 we will:
- Make sure the client is aware of the client duties under CDM 2015 before any work starts
- Plan, manage and monitor all work carried out by Step on Safety and our workers, taking into account the risks to anyone who might be affected by it (including members of the public) and the measures needed to protect them
- Check that all workers we employ or appoint have the skills, knowledge, training and experience to carry out the work, or are in the process of obtaining them
- Make sure that all workers under our control have a suitable, site-specific induction, unless this has already been provided by the principal contractor
- Provide appropriate supervision, information and instructions to workers under our control
- Ensure we do not start work onsite unless reasonable steps have been taken to prevent unauthorised access
- Ensure suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start, for workers under our control and ensure they are maintained throughout the work
In addition to the above responsibilities, as contractors working on projects involving more than one contractor we will:
- Coordinate our work with the work of others in the project team
- Comply with directions given by the principal designer or principal contractor
- Comply with parts of the construction phase plan PDF relevant to our work
Policy Details
The Company will provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from its operations and as a result will, so far as reasonably practicable:
- Provide and maintain plant and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health
- Make arrangements to ensure safety and absence of risk to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of materials
- Provide information, instruction, supervision and training as appropriate for maintaining the employee’s health and safety at work
- Maintain the place of work, means of access and egress from it in a condition that is safe and without risk to health
- Provide and maintain adequate facilities which are safe and without risk to health with regard to arrangements for welfare at work
The Company ensures all employees are competent to carry out their tasks and given adequate information, instruction, supervision and training. They are also encouraged to be actively involved in maintaining safe operating conditions and practices and as such any health and safety concerns should be highlighted to the Managing Director as soon as possible.
This policy statement applies to every business unit in the group. Fulfilment of the policy depends upon each member of staff playing their part as appropriate, from the Managing Director to each individual in the business units.
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure health and safety standards are maintained and improved when and where necessary.

Kevin Webb
Managing Director
For more information:
01206 396 446
Factory Lane, Brantham Suffolk, CO11 1NH
To download a copy of this Policy click here.