What should have been a quick one day project proved quite the challenge last week. Our client, Keir needed a temporary ramp outside their construction site to keep pedestrians safe. Read what Site Supervisor Jake James had to report:
This job came with a million challenges, like it does when working alongside a main public footpath. We expected pedestrian access to have been safely moved into the road and cordoned off away from the traffic but it wasn’t. To keep the public safe, we dismantled most of the pre-fabricated platform and rebuilt it one half at a time ensuring the pavement was never completely blocked. The ramp and platform were built on a lovely flat surface in our workshop but on site we were dealing with the tree roots pushing up every single paving slab making it near on impossible to get level AND get the ramp to meet the floor. However, we did it; you can see from the photos that we got it completed in the evening.
To gauge how bad the level of the flooring was, at one point, it dropped down 80mm, which we had to prop up with sections of grating, to then lower the ramp to make sure it ran down smoothly. What made it more fun was when the leaves kept blowing in your face.
Big thank you to Dan and Ed who worked through their lunch breaks both days as time was against us. Monday the day started at -2 degrees, which was joyous and we worked through past the day light. Really pleased with the end result though – amazing!”
Jake James, Step on Safety
At Step on Safety we pride ourselves on getting the job done to the very high standards our clients expect – no matter what unexpected challenges are thrown our way. This project was no exception. Although classed as a temporary structure, the school isn’t due to open until September 2023 so it will be in place for at least 18 months.
Mulberry Academy London Dock is a brand new school which aims to ensure outstanding achievement for all, enabling young people to lead successful and fulfilling lives, making a positive contribution to their own community and beyond.
The Mulberry Schools Trust (MST) will be opening an outstanding, six forms of entry, 11-19 co-educational comprehensive school on the London Dock residential complex, replicating the outstanding provision in Mulberry Academy Shoreditch and Mulberry School for Girls. The new eco-friendly school will be a flagship school, delivered in partnership with the Local Authority and the Department for Education, creating another truly exceptional school in Tower Hamlets with first class facilities to rival anything that can be found elsewhere in London. You can find out more about the school here